“Chiropractic improves the function of the spine and the nervous system – not just after injury but for health, wellbeing & vitality all throughout life.”
At Mirrabooka Chiropractic we are a family focused practice providing care to individuals of all ages. Our goal is to help you achieve your goals! Whether you are looking to improve your posture, performance or move away from pain, our chiropractors are highly trained to assist you on your journey.
Our Services
Advanced Biostructural Correction™ (ABC) is a unique approach to addressing misalignments of the spine and other body structures, which can produce very consistent and predictable changes in posture and body alignment, as well as providing great symptomatic relief in the majority of cases.
What we can help with: (headaches, migraines, LBP, neck pain, sciatica, posture, pregnancy, children, other joints complaints, sports/performance)
Why Choose Mirrabooka Chiropractic
Meet Dr Karen Kulevski‑Gibb
I knew I wanted to be a chiropractor since I was 17 years old. I went to see a chiropractor myself, watched an educational DVD about what chiropractic could do to help the body function better and I was sold. I made it my mission from then on to study chiropractic and offer others the opportunity to experience some of the amazing things chiropractic care can add to your life.