Chiropractor Near Mount Lawley

At Mirrabooka Chiropractic, we’re dedicated to supporting you and your entire family. We’re located just a short drive away from Mount Lawley and have convenient appointment times available throughout the entire week. You can make an appointment by calling (08) 9468 7828 or by sending our team an online enquiry.

Should I see a chiropractor?

Yes! Chiropractors undergo a minimum of 5 years training in spinal health. Regular chiropractic adjustments can help to improve spinal and nerve function, increase mobility and range of motion, and help relieve pain. You don’t need to see a chiropractor for a specific reason; many local families choose to visit our practice for preventative health and to achieve optimal health and wellbeing. However, some more specific symptoms and conditions people come to us for include:

Meet the team at Mirrabooka Chiropractic

With in-depth knowledge and a personal care for your wellbeing, our passionate chiropractors are ready to join you on the road to optimal health and wellness. Discover how they can help you.

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How to Find Us

Mirrabooka Chiropractic is located just a 15-minute drive away from Mount Lawley.

Book an Appointment With Mirrabooka Chiropractic

We offer all chiropractic services to deliver quality chiropractic care tailored to you. Take charge of your health with the help from Mirrabooka Chiropractic! Our friendly team will create an individualised chiropractic care plan that meets all your needs – may it be better overall wellbeing or temporary relief. To start on the path to feeling fantastic, give us a call at (08) 9468 7828 or send in an online enquiry so we can provide you top-notch quality care and help you get back into tip-top shape.


Ready to visit the team at Mirrabooka Chiropractic? Booking an appointment with our local chiropractors is a breeze! Simply call us on (08) 9468 7728 or drop by online and send in an enquiry.

At your initial visit, we’ll take the time to consider your health goals and perform a thorough examination. We know that no two people are alike. Your initial consultation will be 45 minutes and your subsequent report visit will be 30 minutes. Regular sessions are typically 10 minutes in duration, with some longer depending on appointment type.

Frequency of care will depend on your health goals and clinical findings. Your chiropractor will construct a care plan based on these two things, and this will vary from person to person.

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